The Knitting Mamas Podcast is here

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Empowering Moms with Relaxing Knitting Techniques, Natural Wellness Tips, and Simple Morning Routines

Welcome to ‘The Knitting Mamas’ – your haven for weaving more well-deserved self-care into your busy life.

Join me every week on the podcast as we unravel the benefits of mindful knitting, natural wellness, and simple morning routines that will give your busy mom life a bit of a counter balance.

Let’s dive into a world where taking care of yourself is guilt-free, empowering you to embrace each day with a little more calmness and a lot more joy.

Come join the Knitting Mamas Community

The Knitting Mamas Community is a vibrant and nurturing space where moms unite over the joy of knitting, sharing stories, and supporting each other through the ups and downs of motherhood. Click below to join a world of togetherness, mindful crafting, and heartwarming connections – all for free!

Hi, I'm Nadine, and my journey to wellness began in 2018 after a wake-up call where anxiety and panic landed me in the hospital. Overwhelmed by the chaos of trying to do it all, I realized the toll of high-impact workouts, caffeine overload, and the endless hustle of getting it all done.

My path to healing involved embracing imperfection, valuing guilt-free rest, and adopting a wellness lifestyle with essential oils and mindful knitting for stress relief. Transforming my morning routine was key; it shifted from squeezing in more work to genuinely rejuvenating my mind and body for the day ahead.

Now, I advocate for a life free from mom-guilt and ‘do it all’-trap, focusing instead on knitting for stress relief, simple routines and natural wellness. Join me in this journey of self-discovery, where taking a break is not just allowed, but highly encouraged for our well-being.