The 5-day Phone Down Challenge

02/26 - 03/01 - The Knitting Mamas Facebook Group

Ditch the mindless scrolling for mindful stitching and make time for what YOU want to do. Stop living reactively when you wake up, and instead take control of your phone usage and carve out well-deserved time that you can fill with activities that you love.

What you get during this free challenge


Part of the challenge will be a simple knitting project that we will be knitting together throughout the challenge. And don’t worry, you’ll have the time to complete it 😉

Put the phone down

Learn effective strategies to get your phone out of your hands and ditch screen time for mindful practices that actually enrich your life. Get out of comparison mode on social and into your own life and a fun knitting project you can show off.

Ongoing habits + community

Join our community to embrace new habits that elevate your daily routine and connect with friends who share your journey. Discover strategies to ensure these positive changes extend well beyond the challenge.

Take the ‘phone-down’ challenge

Take the ‘phone-down’ challenge